Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Sexy" Education and The Pleasure Principle

One of my big issues with sex education is that the breadth of information on sexuality and sexual physiology outside of the uterus is quite limited.

Parents, educators, and public health professionals want young people to avoid/reduce sexual risk behavior (delay sexual debut, use birth control, etc) and young people want to know the logistics of sex, what is "normal" or average, and what would make their partner feel good.

So let's help young people learn better by pairing the education we want to give them with the education they want to have.

Here's an example of one of the issues that sex ed courses could address (but don't): The ABC's of Female Ejaculation by "The Doctors" television show via Jezebel.com

The Pleasure Project is a group who is trying to influence sex education to respect the need to incorporate the pleasure aspect.

Picture by me

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